Victoria Wojnar
Answer A
When designing an interactive character for a game you are able to determine what that character is going to do. You need to code in specifics such as if you click a button the character will do something and when you click another it will do something else. This character differs from one in a movie or a television show because these characters have a specific reason that they are there, everything for that character is planned out and it is designed frame by frame in order for them to make sense in the movie/show. They also have to make sense with the script that is written out for that specific character, while creating an interactive character you are able to set one action but then if you need to change that you can.
Answer B
Regarding the trends that have grown for interactive characters would have to be that there is a lot of customizable elements to it now. You are able to select what the character looks like, what kind of skills they have, and what kind of weapons if needed they can use. Another thing for games in general would be that games are now firstly being made for mobile first to make sure that it looks good and aesthetically pleasing for people to look at, then after it looks good on mobile they will create it for desktop.
Answer C
Personally i don't play too many games but i would have to say that i really like the layout of "Minecraft", you can spawn in any place on the map and you are able to explore so much of it. You are also able to add on or take away from the map and make it how you want it to be. There is a game that i have recently played called "It Takes Too" the map and the overall layout of the game is amazing. You are given to much to explore but while going through the objectives you have a specific path you have to go and you will eventually see the whole map in your playthrough.
Answer D
A lot of adults nowadays think that what kids see in games is a little too much for them, they get aggressive in the game and the parents are worried that they might be like that further in the future. Personally i think that games are just used for kids to escape from reality, they might be going through a tough time in life and they play video games in order to block out the outside world, and even though this might not be healthy it helps a lot of kids these days deal with the tough things in life.
Answer E
Having interactive menus might help a retail establishment because it allows people to go through and look for specifics. For example a grocery store can have an interactive menu for the different types of cereal, and it can be categorized to help look for healthier options. For a clothes retail establishment they can have an interactive menu categorized by different events that clothes are needed for, or even letting people know if they are in stock or if they have to order them to their home. With this people will have an easier way to look for what they need and they can see how long it might take for something to get into stock, or even if they don't feel like going into the store or they just don't have the time for it they can just order it and get it shipped right to their home.