Animation Title: Escape the void
Artist: Giovanny Garcia
Scene 1:
Description of the scene:
It starts off with the main character waking up in the void.
Dialogue: A
Welcome to the VOID. Here in the void it’s filled with the most dangerous of things imaginable.
Scene 2:
Description of the scene:
Main Character looks around the void. Then the main character runs around to find an exit.
Dialogue: A
As our Main Character wakes up, It’s his mission to get out and find an exit
Scene 3:
Description of the scene:
The Hero found a monster roaming around the void. The main character is now being chased. Now the hero needs to find a way to hide from the monster.
Dialogue: A
Now as our Hero roams around, he finally comes face to face with his first obstacle from the void. IT’S THE WARDEN OF THE VOID!!!!. HERO RUN BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE.
Scene 4:
Description of the scene: The hero comes to the end of his journey as he finds exit. The WARDEN guards the gate and an epic clash commences.
Dialogue: A
NOW, WE ARE AT THE END OF THE HERO’S JOURNEY!!. It’s up to the Hero to defeat the Warden so he can escape. How will the epic clash be revealed? Play the game now to see the epic journey of the Hero in “ESCAPE THE VOID”.